Let Her Inspire You
My Saint Lucia
Let Her Inspire You
My Saint Lucia
In this new series called My Saint Lucia, we introduce you to our people through a collection of short video episodes. Each one features a Saint Lucian or a contributor with an affiliation to Saint Lucia. Enjoy their spirit, charm and warmth as they talk about their connection to the island through business or pleasure. Through their perspective, you get to find out what they love about Saint Lucia, their journey to success and some tips on experiences and places to visit.

The Director for ‘My Saint Lucia’ is Brenda Emmanus OBE, a seasoned media professional and broadcaster who has presented and produced films and documentaries for major British broadcast channels such as the BBC. Brenda lives in the UK but both her parents were born in Saint Lucia and she has been visiting regularly since she was a teenager. ‘My Saint Lucia’ became a passion project inspired by her own personal links to the island.
Contributors are as follows
Christa Bailey: Jazz vocalist
Pepsi Demacque-Crockett: Entrepreneur, Author, Singer
Nigel Mitchel: Executive Chef at Ladera Resort
Dornalyn Simons: Taxi Driver
Angus Thirlwell: Entrepreneur and CEO of Hotel Chocolat
Llewelyn Xavier: Artist